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Tekst na podstawie powieści „Pani Bovary” Gustawa Flauberta w tłumaczeniu Anieli Micińskiej oraz z inspiracji „Panią Bovary” Vladimira Nabokova

Adaptacja i reżyseria: Maciej Podstawny

Scenografia i kostiumy: Mirek Kaczmarek / Marta Śniosek-Masacz

Wideo: Przemysław Tokarski

Muzyka: Mateusz Flis

Inspicjent: Anna Solarek

Obsada: Dorota Furmaniuk


PREMIERA 19 grudnia 2020 na Innej Scenie

Gustave Flaubert’s novel is a minute psychological dissection of a woman from the countryside who is unable to reconcile the Romantic ideals foisted upon her and the hypocrisy and tedium of a small-town existence. Emma Bovary can not stop looking for an answer to the lack she feels, more consuming with every passing day. She blindly casts herself into love, faith, art. She finds no relief in motherhood, nor in material possessions. Her constant search for passions, emotions, and meaning finally casts her into a pit of depression.

Although by now Flaubert’s character needs no introduction, her fate intrigues us on another level. Emma Bovary currently embodies a refusal to agree to hypocrisy, to conform to social roles, to fit the male requirements for the world. Emma sets an explosive charge under the perfect world of the magazines. Her life has become an example of rejecting all norms and conventions, an image of a protagonist who looks increasingly familiar in the insanity of our times.

Our yearning, inexplicably morose, and tired society is beginning to feel the same lack as the nineteenth-century Emma. Will our story also end in suicide? Or maybe the shock of the present will give our protagonist new life?