„The Feral” is a music horror-story for kids and adolescents, inspired by David Almond and Dave McKean book „The Savage”, directed by Klaudia Hartung-Wójciak, based on actors improvisations and SPRING SYMPHONY by Benjamin Britten. It’s a story about a 12-year old boy, whose father (eaten by cancer, sharks or other dangerous animals) dies. In the face of loss, the boy starts to write stories about the Feral, who goes out at night to feed himself with hunted remains and insects, disturbing local community’s peace. The story told by Benjamin is a radical rejection of dealing with trauma strategy, suggested by adults world.
The production was helped out financially within the limits of Jan Dorman Competition, organized by Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute and from the wherewithal of Lover Silesian Voivodship budget.
PRAPREMIERE : 4th October 2018 in School-Kindergarten Group No 5 in Wałbrzych.